Harry Wijsbroek (b. 1974, The Netherlands) is an autodidact photographer based in the Rotterdam area.
His work is an exploration of the influence of humanity on humans and nature. His compositions are clean and radiate calmness, while his work is also characterized by created distance and anonymity.
With his photography he captures cityscapes that confront us with the way we live in cities. And landscapes that show us our continuous influence on nature, often in a subtle way.
With his ongoing project ‘Emptiness’ (2020), he is passionate to let us see the loneliness, the vulnerability and impersonality, the emptiness of the city. But also, the beauty.
Harry Wijsbroek was selected as one of the GUP New 100 emerging photography talents of The Netherlands in 2021. He was also selected as one of the Fresh Eyes international talents in 2023.
Are you interested in buying, exhibiting or selling Harry’s work? Please use the contact page to send a message.
“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”